tappingmachine #tapping 自動攻牙機+ 4軸多軸器組裝



Automatic Tapping Machine+Multiple Spindle Head

Heavy-Duty Automatic Tapping Machine, equipped with a multiple spindle head for tapping four holes at once.


本機之設計乃依物料自由落體慣性原理而設計,斜向靠邊且貼面性更佳,加工更順暢。 · 本機攻牙加工適用於超薄型、多邊形、不規則形及錐形等物料。 · 本機針對不鏽鋼螺帽、鋼質螺 ...


產品介紹 · Rigid tapping 4000 RPM. · Direct drive spindle for high speed machining, excellent accuracy and best performance of spindle motor.

The Leading end-of

Since 1986, Jar Hon Machinery Co., Ltd. is the professional manufacturer of end-of-line Auto Tapping Machine. We are good at offering Auto Tapping Machine ...

Tapping Machine

Chuan King Sang_Hsin Geeli is specialized in the manufacture of different types of Tapping Machine: Precision Clutch type Tapping Machine, ...

Pitch Gear Auto Tapping Machine | 良苙機械股份有限公司

Pitch Gear Auto Tapping Machine ; Max. Tapping Capacity, M8 ; Spindle Taper, JT2 ; Spindle Travel, 45mm ; Spindle Speed 50HZ, 420.760.1340 ...

Tapping Machine

All kinds of tapping machines, including pneumatic tapping machines, electric tapping machines, hydraulic tapping machines, broken tapping and tapping ...

Maho Tapping Machine

Power-driven tapping machine. Different spindle design from pneumatic tapping machine. Maho design the simplifies operation. Advance and retreat mode is changed ...

Tapping Machine by Wellcam Machinery

Tapping machine solutions at Wellcam Machinery. Established in 1989, we specialize in the R&D and manufacturing of high-quality tapping machines.

攻牙機Tapping Machine

攻牙機Tapping Machine 離合器攻牙機 · 相關產品 · 齒輪式自動攻牙機 · 精密鑽孔機 · 自動鑽孔機 · 電話: +886-4-22820222 · 傳真: +886-4-22833605.


Heavy-DutyAutomaticTappingMachine,equippedwithamultiplespindleheadfortappingfourholesatonce.,本機之設計乃依物料自由落體慣性原理而設計,斜向靠邊且貼面性更佳,加工更順暢。·本機攻牙加工適用於超薄型、多邊形、不規則形及錐形等物料。·本機針對不鏽鋼螺帽、鋼質螺 ...,產品介紹·Rigidtapping4000RPM.·Directdrivespindleforhighspeedmachining,excellentaccuracyandbestperformanceofspindlemotor.,Since1986,JarHonM...